Friday, January 14, 2011

Creepy Commercials

Y'know what creeps me out? Commercials that have anthropomorphic pieces of food that encourage you to eat them. Some examples: Goldfish crackers, Frosted Miniwheats, and the creepiest of all, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, who claim to be so delicious, that they want to eat each other. That's right, they are so irresistibly tasty, that they resort to cannibalism.

Now, I don't know about you, but I don't find cheery, suicidal food stuffs very appetizing.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

WinRAR is Stupid

Don't get me wrong, WinRAR is extremely useful, but it is the idiot of the application world. It's like,"Sure you can use this for a while, you can pay me later." and you're like, "Thanks buddy! I'll totally pay you back!*sucker*" and it's like," Hmmm? What was that?", and you're like,"Oh, nothing..."

But after a while, WinRAR wants to get paid. So it pops up with a reminder saying,"You're time is up. How 'bout paying me now?", but you say something like,"Oh yeah... just give me a few more days, I'll have your money by Friday." And WinRAR is so gullible and says,"Okay! I know you're good for it!"

WinRAR then starts to get impatient:

But by this time, you don't even care anymore about WinRAR's feelings and are just pissed that it keeps on asking:

WinRAR knows it's just being used, but it doesn't want to lose a friend, so it just goes with it. It's the Ned Flanders of programs.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years

Happy 2011 everyone! Would you like to know how my new years eve went? Probably not, but here it goes anyway!

I spent it at my boyfriend Alex's apartment. We first opened some beers and shot off a pre-packaged box of fireworks.

After some pyrotechnic shenanigans, we headed back inside and watched some enthralling episodes of Dollhouse. You see, both of us are extreme fans of Joss Whedon, and I had not yet partaken in this particular Whedon venture. After a while, Alex's brother Lee showed up with his girlfriend Lauren in tow. Now, call me crazy, but I think Lee looks exactly like Micheal Cera, except more evil. See accurate depiction below:

For the next half hour, Alex and Lee debated whether or not Wash from Firefly full name was Hoban Washburn. Lee still refused that this was so, even after Alex provided evidence from IMDB, Wikipedia, and a Serenity Wiki page. During a brief moment of calm, we realized that it was 11:58. We rushed to get more fireworks ready and open a bottle of champange.

When the clock struck 12:00, we all shouted "HAPPY NEW YEAR!", as people tend to do, and shot off some remaining fireworks with peculiar names.

Hammer Head Shark

I'm not kidding about this one

We then ventured out into the apartment complex to get a better view of the professional firework show going on somewhere to the north, while taking swigs of champagne straight from the bottle, as young people do.

Shortly after we returned, and after some more Hoban Washburn arguments, Alex's sister Debbie and her friend Summer arrived from a party. Debbie also brought over her new UNBELIEVIBLY adorable dachsund puppy.

She hadn't decided on a name yet, so of course we all had our opinions on what the little guy should be called. I voted for Abed, from Community, but other popular choices were Demitri, Dr. Spaceman, and, of course, Hoban.

Debbie also arrived with a glow stick hat kit that she and Summer found. However, it didn't come with clear instructions and seemed to be missing a few pieces, so the best thing we could come up with was the "Future Circle"

Alex Adorning It Proudly
I left the party around 2:00 AM, exhausted and ready for to start dating my checks 2011.