Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mall Elevator

Lately, I've been spending a good portion of my time in malls and department stores with my sister and her child. While carting around the gargantuan stroller for said child, we were forced to take the elevator to get from one floor to another. After a few trips, I began to notice something; there were floor one and two buttons on the button panel, but the store only has two floors. I thought to myself, Why do they need two buttons? It's not like someone on the first floor would press Floor One, or someone on the second floor would press Floor Two.

As this thought began to irk me more and more, I came up with an idea. Instead of this:

They could have this:

I mean, they only have one button on the outside, why have more than one on the inside?


  1. couldn't be better said! (or drawn!)

    ((an elevator in a high-rise with your idea would be great for candid camera too))

