Thursday, December 30, 2010

Guess What My Boyfriend Gave Me?

A computer sketch pad! No more drawing with my laptop scroll pad! Now, I'm not the best artist, but the sketch pad will definitley help me push out drawings faster. So be prepared for a gratuitous amount of poor quality drawings!

This is the first thing he drew:

Apparently, he thinks my boobs are enormous
 We're both frowning because with both have major problems with depression! A match made in heaven, for sure!

His dog Krypto is in there too, AKA "The Deer", because he bounds and prances like a deer.

This drawing took me foreeeeever because it was pre-sketch pad
 This is my boyfriend in happy mode:

Also pre-sketch pad
There is nothing in the world he loves more than..... wait for it.... Dr. Pepper. His apartment is COVERED in empty Dr. Pepper cans. When he does clean, this is the result:

A line of cans with no end in sight. He should get some kind of special Dr. Pepper Platnium card. If they made such things.

And in other news, I got an appointment with a new counselor on monday! She's in the same building as my prescriber, so that makes travel easier. Hopefully she can give me some insight on my crazy!

And to conclude, here is a picture of a porcupine who shoots lasers out of his eyes.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Devil Child

I live with a two year old. A very energetic two year old. A very energetic two year old who thinks it's funny to smack you in the face and mount the beagles like a horse. No matter how cold it is outside, she'll crawl through the doggie-door wearing nothing but a diaper.

The one thing that she does quietly is watch her favorite show, "Phineas and Ferb", a cartoon about two ten year old boy inventors and their pet platypus who just so happens to be a secret agent. The show doesn't even need to be on, all you need to do is sing the theme song and she'll come sprinting into the den and start dancing.

When the show is on, she goes into a sort of drugged out trance and wont move a muscle until the commercial break, at which point she whines at you, as if you could wave a magic wand and make the commercials go faster.

Drugged out trance
But even after all that, I love the little bugger. She'll hug your legs when you get home, she'll attempt to help you unload the dishwasher, give hugs and kisses to the dogs, and last, but not least, she is SUPER CUTE!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

How "The Ring" Nearly Scarred Me For Life

Up for a traumatizing childhood story, oh great people of the Internet?

When I was thirteen, one of my sisters, number two out of four, was making a birthday present for our mother. The present was a cement stepping stone for the garden, and she was breaking old ceramic dishes in the garage for decoration. She told me not to come in without shoes on, because there was glass all over the floor, but who was she to tell me what to do? I was a TEENAGER for Pete's sake!

So of course when I decided to take my Razor scooter for a spin around the garage, I stepped on a small piece of glass. I didn't even know I was cut until I started dripping blood in the laundry room. My mom bandaged me up and told me we were going to the doctor's in the morning to see if I needed stitches. Needless to say, I didn't sleep well that night. I was so afraid of getting stitches on the bottom of my foot, not being able to walk on it for weeks, having to use crutches to get around.

I was relieved when the doctor said it was too late for stitches and I'd just have to wear a special bandage and be on crutches for 72 hours. Afterwards, my mom bought me some Starbucks and said she'd rent me a movie to keep me occupied because she had to go back to work. The one movie I had been DYING to see was "The Ring". I was confident in my scary movie watching ability. I had watched "Blade" in the dark by myself! I had a mind of steel!

About fifteen minutes into the film, I began to feel strange. The world around me started to fade away... the movie was becoming more and more real to me. When it came to the part where they show the death-tape, I thought to myself, Maybe I shouldn't be watching this part..., but I did anyway.

I was fine for a while, but once the sun started to set, I began to feel queasy. I was always able to prevent myself from being scared by telling myself that those people who were tortured or died did something to provoke the evil beast/demon/serial killer, and I hadn't done that. But with "The Ring", I HAD watched the video, and they hadn't stopped the villain by the end of the movie. Even though I told myself I hadn't got the seven days call, I couldn't help but feel that I was in danger.

Every time I closed my eyes, I pictured the television turning on by itself and that creepy little girl climbing out and stealing my soul! Even when I wasn't in a room with a television, that image still edged into my mind. I couldn't sleep. I barely ate. The fear of being mutilated by a mystic ten year old was taking over my life!

I had nightmares for months, but soon I began to sleep easy again. But still, every once in a while, I get that heeby-jeeby feeling that that little girl is coming to get me....

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Favorite Word...

My favorite word in the English language is "heinous", because it sounds like a mix between "haagis" and "anus", two other ridiculous sounding words. The problem is I don't get to say or hear it much in daily conversation. The only consistent source of the word is in the opening of "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". My sister and I enjoy this maybe a little bit too much.


Then I have to comfort the beagle while I watch rapists get sweet justice.

Friday, December 17, 2010

From the Depths of My Hard Drive

I was looking through some old pictures on my computer and found this cartoon I drew:

This counts as a post, right?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Yay Croatia!

So while viewing my stats, I noticed that I have a suprising amount of site views from Croatia. This is just a quick shout out to the Croats! Thanks for inventing the Necktie!

His Majesty, The Refrigerator

Last week we got a new refrigerator. And by "we", I mean my sister, brother-in-law, and niece that I live with. And by "refrigerator", I mean magical, wonderful, life-changing appliance from GOD.

It actually shines like that
This is the first time I've had constant access to a fridge the has water and ice IN THE DOOR! I know this might not be a big deal to most folks, but I grew up in a house with no dishwasher, microwave, cable, or internet. We weren't even allowed to eat any foods with artificial colorings or flavorings. I remember being offered Jello at a friends house and having to turn it down. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD THAT IS FOR A SEVEN YEAR OLD??

We also had an original Apple II computer. I used to spend my evenings playing Oregon Trail, Dig Dug, and a game called "Hard Hat Mac" where you were a construction worker who had to repair a building while avoiding vandals and OSHA(Oregon Safety and Health Association, depicted by something resembling a Yeti).

A pretty accurate depiction

Anyway, I guess this post got pretty off topic, but I must go make omlettes. Right after I draw a happy omlette.

May be confused with a taco

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Welcome! Don't Be Scared!

First post! Yay! Hello, my name is Celine. Not gonna give you my last name due to scary internet people. I am a cook by trade, but am currently unemployed due to, what I call, my crazy. My crazy does not care what I want or need or how badly I need it. I imagine my crazy as a black stormcloud growing in my brain.

So I decided to start a blog! Something to to fill my days and keep my crazy at bay. Chronicalling my re-entry to therapy perhaps? Maybe some interesting stories on the way?