Thursday, December 16, 2010

His Majesty, The Refrigerator

Last week we got a new refrigerator. And by "we", I mean my sister, brother-in-law, and niece that I live with. And by "refrigerator", I mean magical, wonderful, life-changing appliance from GOD.

It actually shines like that
This is the first time I've had constant access to a fridge the has water and ice IN THE DOOR! I know this might not be a big deal to most folks, but I grew up in a house with no dishwasher, microwave, cable, or internet. We weren't even allowed to eat any foods with artificial colorings or flavorings. I remember being offered Jello at a friends house and having to turn it down. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD THAT IS FOR A SEVEN YEAR OLD??

We also had an original Apple II computer. I used to spend my evenings playing Oregon Trail, Dig Dug, and a game called "Hard Hat Mac" where you were a construction worker who had to repair a building while avoiding vandals and OSHA(Oregon Safety and Health Association, depicted by something resembling a Yeti).

A pretty accurate depiction

Anyway, I guess this post got pretty off topic, but I must go make omlettes. Right after I draw a happy omlette.

May be confused with a taco

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