Thursday, December 30, 2010

Guess What My Boyfriend Gave Me?

A computer sketch pad! No more drawing with my laptop scroll pad! Now, I'm not the best artist, but the sketch pad will definitley help me push out drawings faster. So be prepared for a gratuitous amount of poor quality drawings!

This is the first thing he drew:

Apparently, he thinks my boobs are enormous
 We're both frowning because with both have major problems with depression! A match made in heaven, for sure!

His dog Krypto is in there too, AKA "The Deer", because he bounds and prances like a deer.

This drawing took me foreeeeever because it was pre-sketch pad
 This is my boyfriend in happy mode:

Also pre-sketch pad
There is nothing in the world he loves more than..... wait for it.... Dr. Pepper. His apartment is COVERED in empty Dr. Pepper cans. When he does clean, this is the result:

A line of cans with no end in sight. He should get some kind of special Dr. Pepper Platnium card. If they made such things.

And in other news, I got an appointment with a new counselor on monday! She's in the same building as my prescriber, so that makes travel easier. Hopefully she can give me some insight on my crazy!

And to conclude, here is a picture of a porcupine who shoots lasers out of his eyes.

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